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Be a Superhero in Your AI-Powered Community + App in Minutes.

  • Sell courses, memberships, videos, events and more.
  • We will not sell your data and it is kept secure.
  • Connect with Zoom and more with our patented platform.

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Truly Own Your Community

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Your App in a Day

No more waiting months. Super-scalable backend. We manage it for you. No more tech worries.

Up to 100% Reach to Your Community

On social media you only get 5% organic reach. Get up to 100% reach with Clubify.

Own Your Data

We will not mine your data and sell to third parties. You keep your data and we show you how to monetize it.

Community Engagement

Engage your community with a member experience like never before.

Case Studies

“Clubify has made my job more fun, my team more productive and our program more profitable!”

“Applying Clubify’s gamification to our training has transformed our entire partner training process giving us more reach and retention…  allowing us to not only minimize travel cost but pivot to all virtual engagements when our country experienced stay at home orders. It used to take hours to prepare for trainings – and I’d deliver 4-6/week. Now it takes just a few minutes!”

– Danielle, Manager @ Intuit

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What is Clubify?

Your Brand in an App

Be always available at your client’s fingertips. If your client is thinking about your services all they need to do is click on your app.

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Your Branded App Reduced


Passive Income From an App

Manage your business from one location and boost loyalty with your own fan club. Post videos to either only your own club or to social media, create videos and other content that your members will pay you for every month.

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Your Own Loyal Community

We provide your own loyalty club. Which customers are most likely to buy from you again? Your existing customers. Then, why not make them feel special and invite them into your exclusive club and provide exclusive deals and content to them?

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Trusted from our clients


Trusted from our clients

App Features

Your branded app comes with these features.

Get payments for items you wish to sell and also the membership plans to your club.

Share your exclusive events to club members for free or make them paid!

Customize your club background image, profile image and general color theme. Soon you’ll be able to customize the sidebar menu items and change their names!

Sell your Content Sell your videos, photos, documents, courses and membership plans in your exclusive clubs!

Extend without Redeploying – add more functionality to your app without rebuilding and redeploying your app!

Whitelabelled App Be at your client’s fingertips. You can get your own branded application with your app name and app icon.

Live video classes/training, photos, courses and membership plans. Integrate with Dropbox and Google Drive.

Share Your Content Yellow

Build Multiple Exclusive Groups

Ultra Niche so you can convert better

You can become a member of an exclusive club or open your own!


Dedicated Success Managers

If you have any questions, just ask us!


Questions and Concerns

What is Clubify?

Clubify is a system to engage, monetize and retain your community. Businesses get their own branded app in one day instead of paying $50k+ and waiting months. In addition to our system helping you generate more leads, we also help you focus on the top 20% of your clients. After all, 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your clients. We also believe in empowering coaches and influencers to own their data and their clients (unlike on social media). If you have 2000 clients for example, and if you post on social media websites you will reach only 10-20% organically (without boosting, etc). Shouldn’t you be able to reach all your clients? With Clubify you can reach 100% of your clients. Welcome to Clubify.

Do I need an app? I already have a website!

More than 90% of all smartphone usage is via apps, and only 10% go to your mobile website. You may not need ‘just another app’ per say – but you do need Clubify, and the app that accompanies it. Why? Because most businesses are like leaky buckets. Businesses spend money on SEO, websites, marketing and more while not having a strategy for retaining your current clients. We see businesses that have worked with thousands of clients in the past but only are working with a few clients now. Your top 20% of clients provide 80% of your revenue. Why are they not treated like royalty? Clubify is a system to engage, monetize and retain your clients and your own branded app is one part of the strategy. Use social media for lead generation then funnel your leads into your own app where you own your data and your clients (unlike on social media).

How does Clubify generate more leads/gigs?

We generate more leads for you by creating an optimized landing page for you free of charge. Moreover, from the app you can invite contacts from your phone and also from social media. We also look at your business from a holistic perspective by giving you feedback on how to improve your existing website, your existing business processes and we can even help make the changes for you! And because with Clubify you have a built in community (your club) when you sell to your existing clients you have a higher chance for conversions than to blasting your offer to everyone!

Will Clubify guide me in setting up my business on my own app?

Yes we will! Your success is our success. We’ll guide you every step of the way as an account manager will be in touch with you to ensure your marketing material, your graphics for the app, your website are all up to snuff. And we’ll definitely help you optimize your content!

Will I own my data and clients?

Yes you will! Beware of social media however – when you upload your content on social media your data and clients are technically owned by them, not you! With Clubify you own your data and your clients. No more do you need to be a slave to huge social media companies by generating free and valuable content for them. Keep your valuable data safe and monetize it with Clubify.

What is a club?

A club is your own community. Not just any community – the members that join your club on Clubify are your special clients where quality matters over quantity. Your club represents the top 20% of your clients – which provide 80% of your revenue. What matters is how happy your community is. No more will your members treated like numbers – they will be treated like royalty. Ever liked a page on social media just because your friend invited you to like it? Yes – most likes on social media are by people who don’t even remember liking your page.

Will it improve my Reach?

Reach is how many people viewed your post. On social media your reach is dropping. Even if you have 2000 followers and you post it’s very likely your post will be viewed by only 10-20% of your audience. That’s because there is content overload. Your clients on social media are being constantly distracted by competitors, friends, family, strangers, ads, and more. Most of them will not see your posts. With Clubify, you can reach 100% of your clients.

What does the monthly fee include?

The monthly fee includes setting up/ deploying your app, basic training, upgrades, bug fixes and hosting for your app! Compare to paying $50k+ for a professionally built app and waiting months! We’ll help you setup your content as well. And we might even do your graphics for you on the house 😉

How does Clubify monetize my community?

In your app you have a club, which is your community. You can monetize by attaching prices to pieces of content such as videos, photos, events and more. In addition, you can create monthly/yearly membership plans or tiers that can be free or paid.

What do I need to get started?

Ideally, you should have your app name, your app graphics and content such as videos, photos, documents to upload into your app. An app icon (1024×1024 PNG/JPG/AI), your business logo and a slogan would be great! If you have any questions please email us at

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